Creative Agency for Impact

Willemsparkweg 78
1071 HL Amsterdam

+31 (0)20 754 2336

From March 2025 on, Wefilm has expanded to We Agency, the agency for social impact.


Visualisation as a tool to fight climate change


How do you pass on the earth? Together with the Netherlands’ most influential climate organisation, we fight against climate change to pass on the earth without too many damage. Our main tool? Visualisation.


“Triggered by the personal drive for a better environment of Roel Welling, We Agency’s co-founder and creative director, we help Milieudefensie with high-profile campaigns. The aim is to get draw attention to the issue of climate change.

Most people think and act short term. Climate change is a long term issue. That is why we visualize the future in our Milieudefensie campaigns. By doing so, you feel the future urgency right now. Hopefully.”


Visualizing the world we dream of is the first step in actually creating the world we dream of.


We are witnessing a special meeting of CEOs of the largest polluting companies in the Netherlands. The elite gentlemen (unfortunately, all gentlemen yes) are inspired by the CEO of Shell. One by one they make the right decision. It seems too good to be true.


The campaign is widely shared and discussed. Surely this should be the norm? The film is not only circulated en masse internally at green companies, the polluters are also talking about it internally, right up to the boardroom."

Crisis meeting in the portrayed companies
Company stopped investing in fossil fuel

When we realize that our decisions have a direct impact on our children's future, it becomes easier to take action.


What will my world look like when I grow up? A simple, but confrontational question that children ask conscious celebrities. Message: Don't vote for yourself, vote for our children.


The massive media attention ensures that we collect almost 100,000 signatures, but above all that we make millions of people think about the importance and effect of their vote in the elections.


Talking to people about their behavior often doesn't work. People are more willing to change if they feel respected and if the changes are associated with their personal values.


We are therefore going to call on the Dutch to massively encourage the CEOs of polluting companies to change their policies. The last encouragement that is, otherwise a lawsuit will follow.


Following tens of thousands of encouragements and many concerned new shareholders, the CEOs of PFZW and BAM decide to sharpen their climate goals considerably, so that they are in line with 'Paris'.


  • Client
    • Milieudefensie
  • Client Responsible
    • Rogier van der Weijden
    • Thomas Sciarone
  • Client Lead
    • Lynn Degen
  • Concepts
    • Wefilm Concepts
  • Creative Director
    • Roel Welling
  • Creative
    • Marius Gottlieb
  • Director
    • Maurice Trouwborst
  • Production
    • Roos Aalvanger
    • Nefta Tevreden
  • Photography
    • Maaike van Haaster
  • Edit
    • Jamal Stitou (Filmmore)
  • Music Composing
    • Beer ten Kate
  • Grading
    • The Compound
Next up:

Realizing the next phase in energy transition
